C'est la Vie is a 1966 Charlie Morgan 34.

Her home port is Everglades City, FL. Our typical cruising area is Southwest Florida, the Florida Keys, the Southeastern Atlantic Seaboard, and the Bahamas. We are C'est la Vie's third owners and purchased her in 2005. We continue to maintain and update this classic vessel. Please post any questions or comments about C'est la Vie or our travels via the comment links below.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

starting to look like a box

I spend a few hours today assembling the pieces of the box for the generator.

I used clamps and painter's tape to hold the panels in position and thin strips of fiberglass mat  to tab the pieces together.  Once this dries, tomorrow morning, then I will remove the inner, cardboard box.  I realize it looks rough in it's current form, but the cosmetics will come later.

Friday, April 23, 2010

epoxy time

With the panels of core material cut...

The next step is to cut out fiberglass mat to match the panels.

Now I will use epoxy to laminate fiberglass mat onto what will become the interior of the box.

While set up for working with the epoxy, I included a few additional projects...  The rudder is off the Sunfish is cracked and needs fiberglass mat for reinforcing and the wooden discs are the bases for the boom gallows project.

Nothing to do now but wait for the epoxy to cure.

allow me to introduce the honda generator and accompaning project

We purchased a small honda generator for C'est la Vie. The trouble now and the next project is were to store the generator that has gasoline in the tank. Three options exist...
1) Store on deck - there is a lack of space and this puts the generator in the elements  - no
2) Create a vented locker similar to the propane locker - complex and lack a good place - no
3) create an airtight box in which to store the generator below decks when not in use - yes!

Fortunately the generator packaging provided us a template for the fiberglass storage box.

The box on the left will be used for the template.  It lacked a base so I made one from scrap plywood.  The plywood base and interior braces were attached to the plywood via staples.  These structures serve to make the box more rigid.  This will be helpful in later stages.

Using the box as a template I began to cut out core material.  I will laminate fiberglass mat to this material to create the box.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

prototype cross piece completed

Above is the prototype gallows cross member.  I used different designs for the right and left sides so that Anne and I will be able to choose our favorite design.  I'm leaning to the right side due to both aesthetics and structural integrity  The finished produce with have three notches across the top for the boom.  I am afraid that removing additional material from the left side will weaken to cross brace.  This prototype is 1/4" thinner than the finished piece, but I still have my doubts about the design on the left side. 

Next steps are to drop this piece off at the metal shop, begin work on the wooden bases, and build up the deck to accept the base of the gallows.

Monday, April 19, 2010

the design process continues

I dropped off the 2" steel tubes and met with the guys at Paradise welding about the design on Friday.  With the metal at the shop, I am now turning my energies towards creating a prototype for the wooden cross piece.

In the image, the left piece of wood will be for my prototype and the  darker wood on the right is the actual piece of sapelle that will become our new gallows.