The winds continue to build and the skies grow darker. Save for removing the blades from our wind generator we have made all our preparations for Earl’s arrival (see image above.) We have found a secure anchorage in Southwest Creek, off South River, off the Neuse River (34°55’N 76°33’W) that provides good protection from Earl’s forecasted N to NW winds.
Ironically I explored this area via sea kayak about a decade ago as part of a recon for the
NCOBS’ OBX Sea Kayak Program. A friend and individual influential in the creation of
NCOBS, Doc Borden, once lived along the banks of the South River.
Myself and other Outward Bound staff used his home as a base of operations during one summer season of kayaking programs along the
Cape Lookout National Seashore.
Back to Earl, currently the winds are forecasted to be 40 to 50mph with gusts to 70mph. Our greatest concern is dragging our anchor and ending up pushed aground by the winds. Fortunately the shoreline in this area is lined with salt marsh. If we do drag and ground out we will come to rest in soft mud. To avoid dragging we have set two anchors in a vee to our NNE. We chose the NNE because this is the direction of our greatest fetch. The image below is of our dual anchor set up. The hose over the secondary anchor rode is serving as a chafe guard.
The community of South River is under a mandatory evacuation due to potential flooding from storm surge and heavy rains. Since we are on a boat neither of these factors are a threat to us.
We were please to see another sailboat, Sandpiper, a 40+ foot sloop arrive in South River to ride out the storm. Misery loves company. They anchored in the main fork of the river just out of sight from us, but we are in radio communications.
Fo0rtunately the anchorage has spotty, but sufficient cell service to both monitor the storm via the internet and to talk with family and friends on the phone.
Now we wait and hope Earl’s passing is uneventful.