Despite the cold, north wimd, or perhaps motivated by the hope of moving south to warmer temps. We rose to a dark thirty start out of the Matanzas' anchorage. The gusty wind was impractical for sailing because it constantly shifted from port to starboard off our stern. Attempting to harness the wind would have required constant gibes in the stiff breeze. So we motored on through Daytona and New Smyrna Beach.
The image below is of Bud at the helm while passing Ponce Inlet.

Where luck did not favor us with wind it did grace us at all the draw bridges. In total we passed thru 5 draws yesterday and did not slow up for a single opening.
By late afternoon the winds finally worked in our favor. We were able to motorsail a broad reach down Mosquito Lagoon and on to Titusville. We dropped the hook around 18:30. Pleased with our 77NM day, average speed of 6 knots, and the promise of warm weather tomorrow.
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